Your Benefits with a Nteon Practice Consultants

Preventative Practice Audit




How Nteon Practice Consultants Will Protect Your Practice

Some of the steps in our Preventative Practice Audit:

Comprehensive Review of Examination Documentation –We identify and address all compliance issues.

        History (Patient, Family, Social), Medications, ROS, Chief Complaint  

Patient history for most practices is not complete or consistent.  This is one of the most common reasons for audit failure.

We work with the staff who record history to ensure documentation of compliant history.  


     We ensure all the required elements are documented. We make detailed compliance recommendations. 

        Procedures - Orders and Interpretation & Reports

      We ensure each procedure has a valid order and report.  Failing either of these results in penalties.

      Identify Lost Reimbursement - Increase Your Future Reimbursement

We identify lost reimbursement in several areas. Frequently many times higher than the cost of the audit!

    Billing - Claims, Aging and Reimbursement- We work with your staff to ensure that correct processes are in place.

         We review the entire billing cycle - posting of charges, scrubbing of claims, submission and EOB processing


HIPAA Review   We review HIPAA compliance as part of our audit and make recommendations to correct issues.


What Else Is Included:

  Wrap Up Meeting –A thorough review of all our findings with doctors and staff.

  Final Report - Comprehensive report documenting all our findings and recommendations.

  Support After Our Audit - We continue to work with your practice long after our time in your office.

·     After you feel you have implemented our recommendations, we want you to provide us with copies of examinations. 
We will review those to ensure you have met the compliance requirements.  This typically takes several iterations. 
No matter how long, this is included in the original cost of the audit.

·     If you receive a Request for Records or Audit notification.  Call us first!  We will review the notification and advise you how to proceed.  Again - included in the original cost of the audit.


Why Nteon Practice Consultants - Nteon Practice Consultants has the most experience.  A proven track record!

·       We have frequently been called in to help practices that used other firms then subsequently failed an insurance audit.    

·       Peer Review does not protect you. Typically, reviewers do not have a thorough knowledge of compliance requirements. 


How Can Nteon Practice Consultants Help Records Created Prior To Our Audit Because you have invested in our audit, and as a result, obtain compliance, most auditors will not look at exams prior to the date we certified your compliance.



Contact us for a proposal detailing all the steps in our preventative audit.


We know What the Auditors Are Looking For.  We Can Protect Your Practice!


Call Toll Free:  888-866-5367
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